Experiential Marketing not only builds, but also strengthens and preserves the bond between customers and brands. Consumers have the chance to directly interact with a brand instead of just viewing or reading about it.
Experiential Marketing is also capable of stimulating all 5 senses as opposed to other advertising mediums that can only fuel 1 or 2 senses.
Here are excellent tactics to help you take on your next Experiential Marketing campaign…
Define Your Goals
Before choosing an Experiential Marketing medium and planning all your campaign details, you should establish your goal(s).
Ask yourself:
What are you hoping to achieve from this campaign?
Your goal(s) could be to generate brand relationships, build brand awareness, boost sales, create buzz about a new product, etc.
Your campaign should be constructed to align with your goals and your goals will help you determine what style of campaign you want to launch.
Know Your Audience
Another step you should take before planning your campaign is deciding who your audience is. It can be your current customers or potential new customers you want to attract. Conducting market research will help you understand who your audience is, where they are, what they like, what they don’t like, what they do, etc.
Your target market will also influence the type of campaign you launch, where you launch it, campaign dates, etc. Once you know who you want to target then you can figure out where they live, work, hang out, dine, etc.
Decide Your Target Locations
As you can probably assume, your target market will determine your target locations. If you have multiple target audiences, then you could run a multi-market campaign.
Pick Your Timing
Your campaign goals will also assist you in establishing your campaign dates and length.
When choosing your campaign timing, you could align it with specific events or concerts your target market would be at. You could also link it to holidays, seasons, weather, etc.
After you’ve selected your campaign dates and length, then you need to decide what time of day you’d like to execute your campaign. You could target the daytime crowd, the nighttime crowd or both.
Condense Your Message
Before executing your campaign, you should clarify and simplify your message. Try to get your message out quickly and efficiently. The audience in an Experiential Marketing campaign can often be on the move, so your message should be easy to comprehend.
Connect Your Brand
Unless you’re planning on running a teaser campaign for a product launch, you should ensure people know it is your brand behind the campaign. You could link your campaign to your brand through logos, brand colors, website URLs, social media handles, business cards, etc.
Construct User Generated Content
We highly recommend running an Experiential Marketing campaign that people want to take pictures/videos of and with. You could have a photographer/videographer at the event and could post the pics/clips to social media for participants to share.
Thus, this will result in your campaign message reaching more people than just the ones who partook in the event.
Keep it Entertaining
The final essential Experiential Marketing tactic is to keep your campaign fun, exciting and entertaining. You want people to remember this experience and most importantly you want them to positively remember it.
If people have positive interactions with your campaign, then they can translate those feelings to your brand which will lead to strong brand connections and sales.
Experiential Marketing campaigns stand out from people’s daily routines and create lasting memorable experiences. If you’d like to connect with your customers, then contact us today and let’s launch an exceptional Experiential Marketing campaign.