Construct your Street Marketing campaign to leap off its structure and seize attention.
Street Marketing is typically more evident than other advertising mediums since Street Marketing campaigns cannot be turned off and stand out from people’s daily routines.
Our design tips will ensure your Street Marketing campaign is seen and more importantly, remembered. Campaign objectives and the Street Marketing medium being utilized will influence your design options. However, these are general design tips for any Street Marketing medium…
Contrasting Elements
Create an eye-catching masterpiece by employing contrasting features. Contrast is generated by disparities in elements such as variations in color, size, texture, font, alignment, etc.
Contrast directs people’s gazes to specific parts in a design. Consequently, it is highly recommended to make the most vital part of your message the most contrasting.
You can craft contrast in your Street Marketing creative by…
- Mixing light-colored symbols with dark-colored symbols
- Combining vibrant colors with desaturated colors
- Utilizing items of different sizes
- Combining right aligned elements with left aligned elements
- Mixing raised items with flat items
- Combining smooth elements with rough elements
- Mixing all caps with low caps
- Adding unexpected items
- Including space around elements
When planning a Street Marketing campaign, it is essential to consider the structure your design will be on. For instance, if you are launching a stencil campaign then your design will be on pavement which is gray. If you use gray in your design, then it won’t be too noticeable and might not even be visible at all. Thus, you should utilize colors that contrast with gray if you want your stencil to pop and get spotted.
With Street Marketing, you should aim to communicate your message utilizing the least number of words possible. You could employ graphics, objects and/or symbols to portray your message as appose to text.
It can be extremely tempting to use unique fonts, but it is crucial that the font you use is readable. Especially since people are typically on the go while gazing at Street Marketing campaigns, so your message needs to be easily comprehendible.
Of course, this depends on the Street Advertising medium being utilized, but you can build clear and visually engaging copy by…
- Employing readable and legible typefaces
- Establishing a visual hierarchy through headings, subheadings, sizes, placement, color, etc.
- Using a maximum of 3 different fonts
- Having your text color contrast with your background color
- Employing your brand’s typography so it’s consistent
- Utilizing large font sizes so it can be grasped from a distance
Colors insert energy into designs and help bring it to life.
Colors stimulate certain feelings, moods, thoughts, and vibes. For instance, orange fuels feelings of happiness while blue elicits feelings of calmness.
Colors can strongly enhance your design, or it can take away from it. Thus, you should take time choosing your colors and selecting eye-catching color combinations.
When choosing colors for your street marketing campaign, you should ensure the colors align with your message and brand. Employing brand colors will help people instantly distinguish your brand.
Unique Design
Unique designs will help lead to word-of-mouth marketing, social media marketing, digital marketing and viral campaigns.
If it aligns with your campaign goals, aim to have a design that is out of the ordinary. This will lead to people taking photos with it and of it. People can then share it on social media which will increase your campaign reach even more.
Another Street Marketing design tip is to generate emphasis for your most significant campaign information.
Emphasis can be crafted by employing negative space around essential items. In design, negative space is the empty area around elements, and it can actually be used to create other elements.
Emphasis can also be shaped through balance, contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity.
Street Marketing campaigns present brands in a positive and exhilarating light. If you’re interested in executing a mind-blowing Street Marketing campaign, then contact us today.